As I write this, I am about to reboot my website for maybe the 5th or 6th iteration. Thinking back on technology, to the first version of that came out sometime around 2002 (or 03 perhaps?) things have changed. A lot. The technology is much easier, there are platforms readily available for technologically challenged folks like me and the world of hacking and security is much more challenging. What hasn’t changed is that I still need help from friends. In this case, my close friend and champion Josh Birdsall came to my rescue to get my site off of Dreamhost and onto a much easier and technologically safe platform, squarespace. Which leads to my point. You can’t be an artist without support. Well, maybe you can, but it would suck. It isn’t just the website part that I rely on Josh for. As a friend he has always supported me and as artists, we have come to rely on each other in just about every artistic decision that is made.
Thank goodness I can call him up, or send him illustrations and say “Hey, am I crazy? Will this work?” If I have had any success in staying the path it’s because of people like him. Or my friend who always responds to my annoying questions about illustration contracts or the book world. Or my amazing and successful writer friend who always sends the same message: Don’t give up. Just stay at it. And of course my wife Lindsay who looks at everything I make with love and support and works her hopes and dreams around my hopes and dreams. Here’s to the friends and family that we rely on and stay true to. Thanks to all of you for the continuing support of my wild and lofty dream of simply making things all the time. Here’s my new website with some new and old things. I hope you like it.